Mii Channel Sheet Music

Mii Channel Sheet Music

  1. Mii Channel Sheet Music Flute
  2. Wii Theme Song Sheet Music
  3. Mii Channel Sheet Music Trombone
  1. How about Macklemore Glorious Piano Pdf And Mii Channel Music Piano Sheet Music Pdf You can order Macklemore Glorious Piano Pdf And Mii Channel Music Piano Shee.
  2. Wii - Wii Channels - Mii Channel.mus Author: Jonathan Created Date: 5/9/2018 7:04:48 PM.

Mii Channel Sheet Music Flute

This piano Tutorial teaches you how to play Mii Channel Plaza theme on Piano.

Mii Channel Theme - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Piano sheet music. Wii - Mii Channel - Font - The #1 source for video game sprites on the internet! Nintendo Wii - Mii Channel Theme tab by Misc Computer Games. 347,290 views, added to favorites 5,601 times. Difficulty: intermediate. Tuning: E A D G B E.

Your Download Includes:

– Professional PDF sheet music.

– MIDI file for use in Synthesia

😯Interesting fact:

The Mii Channel is a channel available on default for the Wii.

It is an avatar creation channel which allows the user to create characters that can be used in various video games for the Wii.

Miis have become the most iconic characters of the Wii generation, appearing in the Wii series of games among many others, both first and third party.

The list of available options when editing the characters’ Mii is limited, though their unique appearance have contributed to their success.

After conceiving a Mii, the player can insert their character into the Wii Remote and transfer it to another Wii system.

This can also be done by connecting to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.

The music to Mii Plaza is reminiscent of BGM 2 from Mario Paint for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

The main title is available with the CD Touch! Generations Soundtrack.

The song along with the Wii Shop Channel have become memes over time due to their catchiness.


Mii Channel (plaza) background music

Introduction: Mii Music

This Instructable was written to help those who are learning how to code for the first time using Sonic Pi. The Mii Channel theme is a great beginner piece because the user can practice coding using scientific pitch notation and become comfortable with the sleep/play functions of Sonic Pi with a simple musical piece.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself With Sonic Pi

I highly recommend completing the various tutorials provided by Sonic Pi in order to practice basic code and have a clear idea of what the code in Sonic Pi looks like. These tutorials are a good foundation for a beginner before completing the code for the Mii Channel theme.

Step 2: Find the Notes!

Sonic Pi coding can be written in two ways:

1. Notes can be coded by using the number of the key on the piano. For example, you could denote a key by saying 'play 63,' or key #63 on the piano. Lower numbers are considered lower pitches.

Wii Theme Song Sheet Music

2. Notes can also be coded by using the musical letter name and the octave number, which is called scientific pitch notation.

The first step to writing any song in coding is writing out the notes from the sheet music. For the Mii Channel theme, I went through and wrote out all the note letter names from the sheet music in scientific pitch notation, including sharps and flats.

Step 3: Code Away!

Once you have the letter name for each note, you can code each note by writing 'play :letter name' with the piano note letter name where you see 'letter name.' In between each note, there will need to be some silence, so in between each note you will write 'sleep 0.5.' The number after sleep may not always be '0.5' as the value can vary depending on the time between notes in the music. The code for the Mii Channel theme is down below to copy and paste into Sonic Pi.

play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.5 play :Cs4 sleep 0.35 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.35 play :A4 sleep 0.35 play :Fs4 sleep 0.35 play :E5 sleep 0.35 play :Eb5 sleep 0.35 play :D5 sleep 1 play :Gs4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :Gs4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :G4 sleep 0.30 play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :E4 sleep 0.30 play :E4 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.45 play :E4 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.30 play :Eb4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs4 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.25 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.25 play :D4 sleep 0.25 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :E5 sleep 0.25 play :E5 sleep 0.30 play :E5 sleep 0.40 play :Fs4 sleep 0.25 play :A4 sleep 0.25 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :E5 sleep 0.30 play :D5 sleep 0.45 play :B4 sleep 0.30 play :G4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs4 play :Cs4 sleep 0.30 play :B4 sleep 0.30 play :G4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs4 sleep 0.30 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :Fs4 sleep 0.30 play :Cs4 sleep 0.30 play :B3 play :B3 sleep 0.30 play :F4 sleep 0.30 play :D4 sleep 0.30 play :B3 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.25 play :E4 sleep 0.50 play :Bb4 sleep 0.25 play :Bb4 sleep 0.25 play :Cs5 sleep 0.25 play :D5 sleep 0.25 play :Fs5 sleep 0.25 play :A5 sleep 1.25 play :A4 sleep 0.40 play :Bb4 sleep 0.40 play :B4 sleep 0.40 play :Bb4 sleep 0.40 play :B4 sleep 0.50 play :A4 sleep 0.30 play :Bb4 sleep 0.30 play :B4 sleep 0.40 play :Fs5 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :B4 sleep 0.25 play :Bb4 sleep 0.40 play :B4 sleep 0.40 play :B4 sleep 0.40 play :C5 sleep 0.40 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :C5 sleep 0.40 play :Cs5 sleep 0.50 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :C5 sleep 0.30 play :Cs5 sleep 0.40 play :G5 sleep 0.30 play :Eb5 sleep 0.40 play :Cs5 sleep 0.30 play :Eb5 sleep 0.60 play :B4

Step 4: Play Your New Song!

Once you have the code in Sonic Pi, you can hit the play button at the top of the program and hear your new song -- the Mii Channel theme.

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