Is Mipony Safe

  1. Is Mipony Safe For Pets
  2. Is Mipony Safe Vpn
  3. Is Mipony Safer
  4. Is Mipony Safety
  1. Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 2,815,568 bytes (25% of all occurrences), 5,074,944 bytes, 5,071,360 bytes or 5,076,480 bytes. The program uses ports to connect to or from a LAN or the Internet. The Mipony.exe file is not a Windows core file. Therefore the technical security rating is 33% dangerous.
  2. Mipony, is a free software specially designed to download easily files from free hosting pages like Rapidshare, Fileserve, Hotfiles and many others. Most users think this is great alternative to JDownloader.
  3. Mipony is clean of viruses and malware. Google Safebrowsing: This publisher is safe.
  4. MiPony is a good application and it works fairly good with alot of servers! Why is it labeled as 'suspicious'? Only becuase guys like 'suckmyname' cant read and decidec to 'quick install' MiPony? If you are going to download MiPony, you can choose 'Advanced' installation, uncheck: Install search gol toolbar.

Have been using Mipony that handles Have been using Mipony that handles entire file downloading needs for my business. I noticed a sudden boost in the download speed after crossing 50+ downloads.

Mipony is a useful utility for users to download files from the most popular file download sites like RapidShare. The software makes it possible to manage the downloads in progress on a long list of supported sites.

Mipony also employs a search engine which can import download links into its interface and download the files. It also uses HJSplit do merge archives ending in 001, 002, etc.

Mipony is very useful for people who prefer to download files from the many filesharing sites on the web. It is also easy to use if you know what you're doing.

Features and highlights

  • Continuous downloads
  • Multiple download attempts
  • Control how many files can be downloaded simultaneously from each server
  • Many of the files hosted in free servers are divided into parts, Mipony has the option to join the downloaded files (HJSplit)
  • Mipony can capture from the clipboard individual links or any text that contains any number of links
  • Automatic update of the data base with the sites supported
  • Web interface to control it remotely
  • Analyze full sites looking for links, indicating if they are still available in the server

Mipony on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs

This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from download managers without restrictions. Mipony 3.1.1 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows 10 PCs but also without a hitch on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Is Mipony Safe For Pets

Compatibility with this management downloader software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup. A separate x64 version of Mipony may be available from Mipony.

Filed under:
  1. Mipony Download
  2. Freeware Download Managers
  3. Major release: Mipony 3.1
  4. Management Downloading Software

The test for this file was completed on Nov 5, 2020. We used 24 different antivirus applications.

The antivirus programs we used to test this file indicated that it is free of malware, spyware, trojans, worms or other types of viruses.


Virus test results:

Avast AntivirusNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
AVG AntivirusNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
BitDefenderNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
ComodoNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
Dr.WebNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
Emsisoft Anti-MalwareNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
KasperskyNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
MalwarebytesNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
McAfeeNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
Microsoft Security EssentialsNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
NortonNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
PandaNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
SophosNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
SUPERAntiSpywareNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
TrendMicroNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
Webroot SecureAnywhereNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
ZoneAlarm AntivirusNo virus detected. File contains no malware.Clean
Apart from antivirus software, this download has also been tested with several popular anti-malware and anti-spam services. Below are some services we have tested this program with:

Is Mipony Safe Vpn

Malware and spam test results:

Google SafebrowsingClean
Malware DomainlistClean
VX VaultClean

Is Mipony Safer

The file that was tested for Mipony was Mipony-Installer.exe. These tests apply to Mipony 3.1.1 which is the latest version last time we checked. According to our test on Nov 5, 2020, this program *is* a clean download and virus-free; it should be safe to run.
All tests were carried out on systems running both 64-bit Windows (x64) and 32-bit Windows (x86). These tests are only valid for the file corresponding with the md5 filehash specified.

Is Mipony Safety

The virus and malware tests for Mipony are maintained by Tina de Pierre