Ibm Lexmark Wheel Writer 3500 Manual

The manuals almost always get lost, and are now worth a fortune. But we live in the information age, these items need to be scanned and passed on to the next generation.

Thankfully, Lexmark has all of the operation manuals online. However, the service manuals are less common, so the bits and pieces we find are valuable. I also wonder if the technical manuals that Jason Scott is retrieving includes data like this.

We could use OCR to extract data from them, unify any overlapping guide information, and then post them to the WIkibook. The patents have long since expired.

Does your IBM Wheelwriter electric typewriter lose margins? Does it print two vertical lines sometimes? Or is your typewriter just doing something that you can’t quite explain? Whatever the issue might be, we wanted to provide you with this quick go-to list to help you troubleshoot common issues with your IBM Wheelwriter electric typewriter. So let's dive in. Ibm Wheelwriter 3500 Manual is free share purpose and not available in our server.We just collect information from the source website. We also don't offer any affiliation link for the author, website and brand, all just for legally sharing. About The IBM Lexmark Wheelwriter 35. The IBM Lexmark Wheelwriter 35 is a full-size, advanced text-editing typewriter with all of the features of the IBM Wheelwriter 30 but double the memory with 60,000 bytes. A series of enhancements have been added to save time.


Ibm Wheelwriter 3000 Typewriter Manual DOC Ibm Wheelwriter 3000 Typewriter Manual Ibm Wheelwriter 3000 Typewriter Manual Getting the books Ibm Wheelwriter 3000 Typewriter Manual now is not type of inspiring means You could not single-handedly going when book addition or library or borrowing from your friends to gain access to them This is an. Eventually, it was renamed the Personal Wheelwriter, and then the Wheelwriter 1000 under Lexmark. IBM Early Wheelwriter. The first Wheelwriter to come out. Later revisions made incremental upgrades, but the original still makes a great typewriter on the cheap. IBM Wheelwriter/5 - This wheelwriter has a much noisier buckling spring keyboard.


  • Lexmark Wheelwriter Operation Manuals - They've scanned them and put them all online as PDF documents. Awesome. We'll also put together some extras and post them to the Internet Archive.
    • Google Listing - As part of their search indexing system, they've converted at least 20 pages to text! Just open a PDF in Google Cache. Absolutely awesome.

To Acquire

  • IBM Wheelwriter 3/5/6 Option Service Manual - This describes all about what kind of options there, and how to install them. Otherwise we would have no information.

IBM Ribbons, Lexmark Ribbons, Typewriters, Wheelwriters and Supplies by IBM and Lexmark
IBM/Lexmark Wheelwriter Supplies
(Ribbons, Correction tapes, Printwheels, Elements Etc.)

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Ibm Lexmark Wheel Writer 3500 Manual

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Ribbons for the IBM Wheelwriter
# 1380999 - $34.50 ea
Works on all IBM Wheelwriters
Use with the Correction Tapes
Order here:

Correction Tapes for the IBM Wheelwriter
#1337765 - $23.50 ea
Works on all IBM Wheelwriters
Order here:


IBM Number

Our Price
Correctable Ribbon.



High Yield Ribbon.


Use 1380999
Lift-Off Tape



General Ribbon Brand (GRC) ribbons for all IBM Wheelwriters

We have been selling these ribbons internationally for several years, and have had great customer satisfaction.

Correctable Ribbon
1380999(GRC) $8.50
Lift-Off Tape
1337765(GRC) $7.50

Other Wheelwriter and Selectric supplies

Over 100
Printwheels and Selectric Elements just arrived.
Call 800-571-0071 for typestyles and discounted prices.

Wheelwriter Printwheel

We have many typestyles available. Click on the link above or the image to the left for type samples.

Unless otherwise indicated at checkout, Prestige Elite will be shipped.



New washable dust cover for the large Wheelwriters


For models 10, 15, 30, 35, 1500, 3000, 3500. $22.50
New washable dust cover for the small Wheelwriters


For Personal, Personal 2, 1000, 2000, 2500. $22.50

Actionwriter Printwheel




Most Models

Call or


Ibm Wheelwriter 35 User Manual

Ibm Lexmark Wheel Writer 3500 Manual

IBM Number

Our Price
Selectric II & III
Correctable Ribbon


Generic available


Selectric III
Correctable Ribbon


Generic available

Box of 6

Selectric I
Fabric (Nylon) Ribbon


Generic available


Selectric I Film Ribbon


Generic available


Lift-Off Tape,


Generic available

$5.50 ea

Box of 6

Selectric I & II Element

Click on image for type samples.


Limited supply. Call for type styles available.


Selectric III Element

Click on image for type samples.


Good supply of new IBM Prestige Elite and Courier 10. Others available also.


Call for prices not listed.

Joanne Batchelor
(800) 571-0071
(818) 222-2152

Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Amex accepted.

Buyer pays actual shipping charges.
GSA and International orders welcome.
DUNS and SAMS Qualified.


Joanne Batchelor
(800) 571-0071
(818) 222-2152

FAX: (818) 222-2970

Ibm Wheelwriter 3500 Manual

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Ibm Wheelwriter 3500 Typewriter Manual

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