The pyDOE package is designed to help thescientist, engineer, statistician, etc., to construct appropriateexperimental designs.
Download Develve for Windows to perform quality improvement, DOE, normality test, Gauge R&R, Weibull, and sample size calculations. The combination of the Plackett-Burman design and the Box-Behnken design and was utilized by the Design-Expert software. The optimum conditions were as follows: a liquid-solid ratio of 4.95 to 1 (mL/g), a pre-hydrolysis xylanase temperature of 70.3 °C, and a total hydrolysis time of cellulase of 52.9 h.
All available designs can be accessed after a simple import statement:
The package currently includes functions for creating designs for anynumber of factors:
- Factorial Designs
- General Full-Factorial (fullfact)
- 2-Level Full-Factorial (ff2n)
- 2-Level Fractional-Factorial (fracfact)
- Plackett-Burman (pbdesign)
- Response-Surface Designs
- Box-Behnken (bbdesign)
- Central-Composite (ccdesign)
- Randomized Designs
- Latin-Hypercube (lhs)
Installation and download¶
Important note¶
The installation commands below should be run in a DOS or Unixcommand shell (not in a Python shell).
Under Windows (version 7 and earlier), a command shell can be obtainedby running cmd.exe (through the Run… menu item from the Startmenu). Under Unix (Linux, Mac OS X,…), a Unix shell is available whenopening a terminal (in Mac OS X, the Terminal program is found in theUtilities folder, which can be accessed through the Go menu in theFinder).
Automatic install or upgrade¶
One of the automatic installation or upgrade procedures below might workon your system, if you have a Python package installer or use certainLinux distributions.
Under Unix, it may be necessary to prefix the commands below withsudo, so that the installation program has sufficient accessrights to the system.
If you have pip, you can try to installthe latest version with
If you have setuptools, you can try to automatically install orupgrade this package with
Manual download and install¶
Alternatively, you can simply download the package archive from thePython Package Index (PyPI) and unpack it. The package can then beinstalled by going into the unpacked directory(pyDOE-...), and running the provided setup.pyprogram with
or, for an installation in the user Python library (no additional accessrights needed):
or, for an installation in a custom directory my_directory:
or, if additional access rights are needed (Unix):
You can also simply move the pyDOE-py* directorythat corresponds best to your version of Python to a location thatPython can import from (directory in which scripts usingpyDOE are run, etc.); the chosenpyDOE-py* directory should then be renamedpyDOE. Python 3 users should then run 2to3-w.from inside this directory so as to automatically adapt the code toPython 3.
Source code¶
The latest, bleeding-edge but working codeand documentation source areavailable on GitHub.
Any feedback, questions, bug reports, or success stores shouldbe sent to the author. I’d love to hear from you!
This code was originally published by the following individuals for use withScilab:
- Copyright (C) 2012 - 2013 - Michael Baudin
- Copyright (C) 2012 - Maria Christopoulou
- Copyright (C) 2010 - 2011 - INRIA - Michael Baudin
- Copyright (C) 2009 - Yann Collette
- Copyright (C) 2009 - CEA - Jean-Marc Martinez
- Website:
Much thanks goes to these individuals.
Box Behnken Designs
This package is provided under two licenses:
Box Behnken Design software, free download Windows 10
- The BSD License (3-Clause)
- Any other that the author approves (just ask!)
There is also a wealth of information on the NIST website about thevarious design matrices that can be created as well as detailed informationabout designing/setting-up/running experiments in general.